
Discover the Breakthrough Method That Vanquished My Shoulder Pain and Averted Surgery in Only 14 Days...

Without invasive procedures, addictive painkillers, or strenuous physical therapy

By Dr. Lewis McKinnon | June 15, 2024 | 11:17 am

Every night, I wake up to a throbbing shoulder pain. 

Every night, I reach for the painkillers on my nightstand and wash them down with a glass of water… 

And then I wait… 

I wait until the medicine kicks in… 

And by that time, I’m wide awake and sleep is a distant dream. 

So I lay there and think. 

I think about how my life has become as dull as my chronic shoulder pain.

Ever Since My Injury, My Aching Shoulder Has Turned My Life into a Nightmare

I had to stop playing golf with my friends. 

We used to play together, but now they go without me. 

I used to enjoy gardening…Yet today, If I try to lift a watering can, I wince in pain. 

It was so embarrassing I stopped going outside. 

Lifting a cup of coffee feels like lifting a hundred pounds…

And the worst thing…. 

When I was younger, I always dreamed of my retirement. 

You know, the time when the kids are all grown up. 

When I’d have all this time to travel the world. 

Just me and my wife. Yet…

My Aching Shoulder Crushed This Dream On The Spot

Not so long ago, my wife and I celebrated our 35th Anniversary.

We wanted to travel to Italy.

We’d eat as much pizza and pasta as we’d like… And walk around the streets of Rome and Florence.

However…we had to cancel the trip because of me.

See, I didn’t want to be the one to stop every 5 minutes. I knew my shoulder could be a problem, so I started to do light exercises in preparation.

Maybe I pushed a little bit too hard…

But one night, I woke up to my shoulder swollen and throbbing.

The pain was unbearable.

I tried everything under the sun to get rid of the pain. 

I was desperate. 

I wore shoulder braces every day.

I took a ridiculous amount of painkillers. 

I went to see a physical therapist.

And even though the swelling went away… The pain stayed. So we canceled the trip. I was heartbroken.

Seeing my low spirits, my wife decided to take the matter into her hands.

One evening, when we were in bed, she told me about her friend who knew this doctor in Chicago.

Dr. McKinnon was the best orthopedic doctor in the country, and maybe he could help.

I agreed to go, but deep down, I was afraid my only option would be surgery.

“Avoid The Surgery At All Costs”

These were the exact words Dr. McKinnon told us. 

What a relief! He assured me there was a way to avoid the invasive procedure and eliminate my chronic shoulder pain within the next 14 days.

“Of course, we are all different, and I can’t guarantee 100% results… But over the last decade, 3,000 people have walked out of this office pain-free.”

For The First Time In a Long Time, I Felt Hopeful.

“Let me show you something,”...

Dr. McKinnon continued. 

He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a unique-looking device. 

“I’ll tell you what this magical device is in a moment. 

However, first, you must understand why you have an aching shoulder. 

Most doctors don’t bother explaining anything and send you to an operating table. 

I’m different. 

I want you to know your own body. 

So let’s take a look.”

It turns out the real reason your shoulder aches has to do with the rotator cuff. 

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. 

As you age, these muscles and tendons wear and tear and can even tear completely. 

When this happens, you feel pain when lifting, reaching, or even just moving your arm. 

Additionally, the blood flow also slows down. 

Worn-out rotator cuff and poor blood flow cause inflammation and chronic pain.

Here's where it gets tricky

Your shoulder needs movement to stimulate blood flow because it reduces inflammation and eliminates pain. 

However, we both know… it’s near impossible to move around when your shoulder is aching. 

That’s why Dr. McKinnon recommended a product that helps with blood flow, imitates movement, and restores the rotator cuff…It will allow you to get instant pain relief and move pain-free. 

He finished the product development just recently. He worked in partnership with one US-based startup called AgeRelief™. 

They call it AgeRelief™ Compression Shoulder Brace.

The Secret to the breakthrough AgeRelief Compression Shoulder Brace is a unique combination of the three most effective treatments for achy shoulders:

  1. Compression Therapy for Enhancing Blood Flow: Applying targeted compression to increase circulation in the shoulder, bringing essential nutrients and oxygen to the damaged area.

  2. Stabilization Therapy For the Joint: Providing crucial support to maintain the shoulder in the correct position, preventing harmful movements that could exacerbate the injury.

  3. Support Feature for Natural Healing: Keeping the shoulder tightly secured, allowing the tendons to repair themselves in a conducive environment.

The combination of these features will allow you to return to daily activities, play golf, garden, lift objects, and sleep completely free of shoulder pain.

What’s more, AgeRelief™ Compression Shoulder Brace is extremely easy to use. All you do is wear the brace for 2 hours daily for 2 weeks.

I got one for my aching shoulder. 

Now, I didn’t expect quick results. 

It took me years to develop this pain… I knew it would take at least a few months to regain my old shoulder. 

However, to my surprise...

Years of Pain, Embarrassment and Isolation, Gone in Less Than 14 Days

I can’t describe the relief I felt when I first put the AgeRelief™ Compression Shoulder Brace on my aching shoulder. 

And by the second week, my shoulder felt so much better.I could easily lift a cup of coffee. 

Reaching for objects didn't hurt at all. And the best of all… I could finally sleep through the night!

I’m back to playing golf with my friends twice a week.And I’m the first to show up at the gardening club. 

I feel this brace turned back time by at least 20 years.

I told all my friends about it. 

And I am sharing this with you.


It’s Like Having a Personal Physical Therapist In Your Home, Available 24/7….without the price tag

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on appointments and waste hours driving to the office…

Instead, every time I feel the slightest twinge or discomfort in my shoulder…

I wear the AgeRelief™ Compression Shoulder Brace, relax for 2 hours, and the discomfort is gone… 

After just 2 hours of rest and relief, I return to my chores and everyday living. 

If it weren’t for the brace, I’d have to go for the surgery.

And you know how dangerous that is… 

There are so many complications… 

Months of therapy… 

And I won’t even mention the cost.

Instead, my wife and I plan a trip to Europe for three months.

And rest assured, AgeRelief™ is coming with us.

Because this brace almost saved my life. 

I wake up excited for the day.

I have more energy than I know what to do with.

And my garden is the best-looking in the entire neighborhood!

I can garden for hours! No pain!

That's why I can’t recommend this brace enough. 

It’ll eliminate pain in mere minutes.

Over 95% of Users Report Feeling Almost Instant Relief...

However, don’t take my word for it…

Check out AgeRelief Website, You'll see thousands of people who were ready to give up on life and get the surgery…. 

Yet, at the last moment, they tried AgeRelief™ and never looked back. 

To read more reviews and order your brace, visit the website here.

How Do You Get Your Hands On The AgeRelief™ Compression Shoulder Brace?

By the way, you don’t have to say yes to the brace just now. 

All I’m suggesting is you give it a try. Try it on their dime. 

Try it for just 60 days…

And if you don’t feel your pain disappearing within 60 days or sooner… 

You’ll get every penny back.

Just think about it…

A 10-sessions with a physical therapist, even with insurance, will cost close to $1000… 

A massage therapist will cost the same amount, if not more.

Plus, don’t forget the hundreds of dollars you spend on prescription medications every month… 

Yet none of them will ever give you such a guarantee.

What an expensive gamble! 

However, here’s AgeRelief™’s promise:

If you use this AgeRelief™ Compression Shoulder Brace for the next following 60 days for JUST 2 hours a day! 

It WILL get rid of shoulder pain, and it WILL allow you to live your life to the fullest again.

60-Days Money Back Guarantee

Think about how great it’ll feel to move without pain again. 

To play with your grandchildren…

To spend time with your family…

And create memories with friends…

AgeRelief™ gives you this gift of life. 

It’s yours for the taking.

And if not?… 

If not, you will receive a 100% refund of every penny you invested. 

If your stabbing shoulder pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief. 

They will return 100 percent of your purchase price, no questions asked. 

Simply email their customer support at

The way I look at it, there is nothing to lose.

60-Days Money Back Guarantee


Hurry up! Sale ends once the timer hits zero


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