Shipping & Handling FAQ

With thousands of customers worldwide, AgeRelief will only work with the most reliable and efficient couriers to dispatch all orders. Your order will be sent via our express courier service, which includes door to door tracking.

What are the delivery times to my location?

USA: 5-7 business days
Australia: 5-15 business days
Canada: 5-12 business days
New Zealand: 5-15 business days
United Kingdom: 5-15 business days
Europe: 5-15 business days
Other countries: 12-22 business days

How long is the processing time?

Orders are processed and shipped out within 24-96 hours. We do not ship out on weekends.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes - we ship worldwide. All of our shipping options are trackable.

How much does shipping cost?

It's completely free. We like to make things as simple and as upfront as possible without any extra fees for our customers, just the way we like it ourselves.

Where can I find my tracking number?

When your items are shipped out, you should receive an automatic notification from the system via email providing you with a tracking number. If you haven't received one or if the tracking number doesn't work, no worries.

Contact us and we'll solve it! If you need more detailed information, please shoot us an email at and we'll help you out!

Unexpected Delays

In some instances the delivery may take longer than the standard shipping times stated above. External factors might cause shipping delays such as international customs processing, holidays & extreme weather conditions that we cannot control.

Please contact us if your package is taking too long to arrive and we will work with you to resolve any situation.